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23 December 2013

Artist of the Week 20: songster69

Deviantant: 5 years
Deviations: 604
Views: 120,622
Overall Rating: 9
(I have to say that I really like their photos. :3 They're pretty awesome cosplayers and they will also be featured on Cosmic Cosplay. :3
~Shiva Strife)
*Only one member was available today.*

Members' Ratings: 9

 Members' Ratings: 8

 Members' Ratings: 8

 Members' Ratings: 10
 Members' Ratings: 9

 Members' Ratings: 10

 Members' Ratings: 9
Next: softmeanie

17 December 2013

Artist of the Week 15: starkey01

Deviantartist: 3 years
Deviations: 56
Views: 22,389
Overall Rating: 8.5
Members' Ratings: 9, 8, 8, 8, 8.5

 Members' Ratings: 8, 10, 8, 8, 7.5

 Members' Ratings: 9, 9, 8, 8, 7.5

 Members' Ratings: 10, 9, 8, 9, 7

 Members' Ratings: 7, 10, 8, 9, 7.5

 Members' Ratings: 10, 10, 8, 6, 9

 Members' Ratings: 8, 7, 8, 6, 7.5
Next: songster69

*Not all of the members were able to vote. Thus, the amount of votes will vary for each artist.*

12 December 2013


A new featuring gadget has been added: Picture of the Week.
Also, a new title has been added: Cosmic Cosplay. A link is provided in the link box.

10 December 2013

Artist of the Week 14: taytaybee

tay has asked us to post only a link to her gallery so we will abide by her wishes.

Next: starkey01

09 December 2013


As per desire of artist, we will not be posting a full feature of taybee. Instead a link will be posted and added as well to the link box below the Google+ badge. We hope you will still go to check out her work. -bows- We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, taybee.
~Shiva Strife

08 December 2013

Kiriban! 200 Reached!

We've reached 200 views! Yes! As promised, I present to you a gift! A hint: our gifts get more grand if possible the higher the kiriban goal.

Kiriban! 200

One more view! One more view! A gift is about to appear! Excitement! Dancing time! :3

Daily Art Feed 8

03 December 2013

Artist of the Week 13: theGrantaire

Deviantartist: 3 years
Deviations: 22
Views: 20,803
Rating: 10
A/N: First, I'd like to announce a new system to the rating that we will be doing. Each picture will be rated and then the votes of each picture from a set number of members will be tallied up to create an overall rating. This new rating system will be used on the next weekly feature due to lack of members at the moment. Thanksgiving has just ended and they're getting back on schedule along with coming back. Second, theGrantaire is someone who has a style that I rarely see. It's old fashioned and I love that. They used to have more work on the site but they took them down. It makes me sad that they did. Please enjoy what there is on the site and make sure you check out the scraps.

 Next: taytaybee